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Floating on Land | Erotic Time

Morning makeout sessions are gonna promise a pile up of oxytocin gathering to make one wade through the day ahead and enjoy rather than cope. There is a magic in there in the smelly breath that makes one just enjoy the pleasure points down south and one gets so turned on that the one gotta brush up their teeth to drench themselves in the mouthful of more raging love making session on the horizon.

A makeout session is all that one needs to get a day started. What is now is now! Once one gets in the work routine then to have a breather to breath their exhales can be a tedious tasks. You know when one is in twenties and working the day can become exhausting sometimes doesn’t matter how energetic one is. De-compressing time is mandatory just the way we prioritize fitness routine.

A morning meeting of bodies can just make sure that we triumph on the field of love everyday. Steamy spooning, steamy earlobes chewing, whispering about how in the name of you they masturbated, holding that rubbing this, dry humping everything, looking into mirror, locking the eyes, bending over right then and there and welcoming him into her paradise from the gate behind. Even thou’ after specs removal the mirror gaze remain marvelous. Intact and making one horny. That’s how the sun rises in our bodies.

Then the other day while he ordered some food and before the delivery guy came around we were onto each other and then the doorbell rang leaving both of us hanged and freeze in the the moment. Worry not! We got back to it right after.

It was good feeling him inside. Being on top moaning all around. Hair tossing all around. Sweat glistening all around. It was such a turn on. I wanted to dedicate the whole day to the same. Doing the same thing.

He went down on me for the very first time. And it was so electrical and whooping hot.

( disclaimer – the content above is just a story. The character likes to speak in first person. Enjoy!)

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