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26th Birthday

Hello folks! I am so glad that I am getting to be 26 year old with you all. This place has my heart. I am grateful to be here and you all make me get back home to myself. The best decade in the making and I am glad that you tune in.

I wrote a song for myself.

Birthday Diva

It feels surreal. It feels alive. Whenever it’s my birthday I feel very emotional and in love with myself. I want to go to play bowling, shooting, camel riding and taste some Turkish food.

Hanging with family at any restaurant and causing any potential argument or even see it happen made me say no to an invitation. You know, when we are so used to celebrate our own trip around the sun for so many years since. It just feels comfortable to say hurrahs to yourself as you never know the person in front will nudge the celebratory spirit or not.

It all comes back to the reason and sense of how you feel about yourself. How compassionate, solid you build your strength and how much okay you feel just by being with yourself.

Tomorrow as it is Wednesday I’ll get my work done well and then maybe go for some Turkish delicacy tasting.

Cheers to freedom!

Saucy 💋

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