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Hairy power

I hope you already noticed the name change. Yes! Those who are new here let me tell you that the earlier name of this blog was “turning20web” and now it is “20ily april”

It’s just that!

And more

20s I Love You, April

I love it!!

Will keep on opening up to new things and will keep on exploring and inspiring our community.


Today, I am going to share the hairy story. Let’s come straight to the point, I will be helping other women here and around to feel good in their own skin just the way they are and not going with stupid stuff which can worsen the situation.

When you see hairs on head you paint it, oh I mean highlight it. But, what you do with the unwanted hairs across body. Not only arms, legs but also you boob’s and other parts, huh?

Let’s get into the romantic stuff later. Of course he will love your trimmed bush and some trimmed grass here and there. He will graze it all! Haha!!

Hair growth is normal. When there are hormonal imbalance the testosterone may rise and there you see those little prickles all over.

Now, when you see them at first it is totally up-to you what you do and how you react.

Attention! Please don’t cut it with scissors. I wanted to get rid of my hairs on leg way late back when I was a teen and my mom didn’t allowed me. I was stupid!! Just for the sake of one day cleanery.. I used scissor and now the growth is like a jungle. Haha! I have made peace with it as I love myself more.

I have used all the products which exists to get rid of the body hair. And they work! You can use them too!!

Now, let’s come to the romantic side. Men loves the bush and thorns as well. When he wants you and you want him to fuck you hard. He simply chooses to do that! The hairy situation doesn’t get value. C’mon he loves you!!

So women!! Don’t let the women or any one around deter your self-esteem. It is never about that! It’s more about you. How you react and how you take all that in.

Want to discuss with me about your Hairy stories or anything.

Feel free to mail me on

Instagram: april_autumn12

Do comment down below. Hot comment gets five hearts from me. 💝



7 thoughts on “Hairy power

  1. Yep, important subject to talk about, that body hair. I used to want to remove as much of a bush as I possibly could, brainwashed by the porn industry probably. But I’ve recently realized that not only it’s much less painful to just leave most it there, but it also looks better. Why force the hair into a weird un-natural shape that looks like a sideways mustache? Nobody has pubic hair that grows in a thin straight line or something! I was trying to look sexy, and I was trying to appreciate that haircut. Now that I only remove what I find too much and let the rest look more natural, I find it sexier because it’s made to go well on my body. Like when I stop dying my hair. The default mode often looks way better.

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