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Life is an adventure


Okay!! We say that you shall do this or do that in twenties. But!! What if a person real phase of twenties will be beginning in his thirties. What if the time space of reaching at certain milestones varies. What if someone makes to the Trek in their 30s which they didn’t afford or went for in their twenties. You know!! Each one life has its own time and there is no comparison and there shouldn’t be. There shouldn’t be any fucking comparison at all. You got it!! You could be settling in your thirties. You will have lots of experience of your struggle and you would love to share with people for encouraging them. Maybe, that’s your time and that’s your way. Sun have it’s own time to shine and the moon have got his own time.. But whenever you will get at that level make sure you shine brightly. Our society, have make sure to evolve our mind with so much shit that their set up of metrics affects our lifestyle.



Maybe your twenties will be full of struggles which will make you great person. And you know, if you are ready to struggle, you are gonna succeed. Success and happiness will be yours. Your life could be filled with trials and errors but buddy you will get loads of experience and then choose. This doesn’t sound good for people who plan everything, but for folks who go on with the flow. Because that’s better. But remember while climbing the ladder you fill up your zeal with your thinking as your thoughts are your power. Hard work has no choice. Work your ass off!!  Follow your passion.

If you are one who like and have lots of passion. Don’t be afraid to try ‘em all. Do try for sure. Just imagine how much stories you have to share with your daughter later. Discover and experience!!  Remember everyone has its own way of living.

Life is an adventure. It surprises us always!!


Don’t give a fuck what others think about you. You can take their opinions into consideration, but at the end of the day, remember you can’t make everyone happy. So, focus on making YOU happy.

Reach on top!! 

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Take care!!

20 thoughts on “Life is an adventure

  1. Awesome! I had my share of fun n frolic in 20s…turned 30 recently….and I surely want to relive the 20s again in my 30s. So yeah…encouraging piece of writing it is 🙂 ❤

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