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You have to study,anyways!

Hi!! How many times have you hated a subject but had to study anyhow? Which was it? In school or college? But you know, we can get interested in that subject if we fake the emotion. We could even love donkey..!! Haha..

But to score well and fill up your report card with good grades, getting on studying each subject is so important. Even subjects teach us that you have to love somebody even though you hate them because somehow they are going to affect you in a good way. So? Study!! Pick up that book, drop your eyes down, pour down notes and there you are.. Having fun!! And then you will get good grades..

We want good grades!! So love the subject which is going to raise your score bar. Think about yourself!! That’s how we reach to our goals in life. Loving roses and thorns.

Be kind to yourself! Taking interest in the subject you may not like now could be the one subject in which you may score the highest grade. Right? Yeah!! That’s possible!!

Take interest in everything you do. (not only you have to take interest in boys always… Their hot features makes us forget everything…bad boys bring heaven to us…πŸ˜‚)

Take care…

Let me know your views..


3 thoughts on “You have to study,anyways!

    1. Don’t need to imagine
      Coz that’s what they do..
      They say, all good boys go to heaven
      And 😘bad boys bring heaven 😜to you….

      Liked by 1 person

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