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Kiss day!!!!!!πŸ’‹

Hi!! I hope you are enjoying the week and have maked up your mind to give promise which are true and real.

Now!! Next is the day where the lips are going to work. And maybe you can use that chocolate S!! And maybe you can create the most promising moments of your lives just with a ‘kiss’!! Yeah!! It’s the Kiss day!!

“Kiss me and you will see how important I’m” -Sylvia

Kiss and tell your feeling in the most passionate way. Lovers!!

When we are attracted to someone we do feel like kissing them. That’s the good facial exercise. And stimulates the oxytoxin, dopamine, vasopressin and adrenaline. You get happy by just thinking about him, don’t you? So, all these hormones are stimulated and you feel that urge. We women tend to see kissing as the most intimate. But guys want to make love to us and they think that a kiss will always lead to an kissing the vertical lips.

So!! What happens when you kiss?

Share with me your views…

Kiss and tell!! πŸ˜‰

We will have lots of talk on instagram


Take care


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